Indonesian Files

The "Pekabaran Injil Church" (Gereja Pekabaran Injil), Jatiwangi - West Java was destroyed on the February 12, 1998

The "Pentecostal Church in Indonesia" (Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia), Jatiwangi - West Java. The front side of the church building was destroyed by the mass on the February 12, 1998

The "Indonesia Christian Church" (Gereja Kristen Indonesia), Jatiwangi - West Java, was destroyed by the mass at 09.00 AM on the February 12, 1998
The parish retail shops in Jatiwangi, West Java, were burnt by the mass on the February 13, 1998
For safety, people wrote "Moslem" or "Islam" on their front doors, Jatiwangi - West Java, February 12, 1998

The roof-tile factory was burnt by the mass, Jatiwangi - West Java, February 12, 1998

The "Indonesia Christian Church" (Gereja Kristen Indonesia), Pamanukan West Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 13-14, 1998

The "Maria Pembantu Abadi" Catholic Church in Pamanukan - West Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 13-14, 1998
The pastor's house, musical instruments and church's belongings of "Filadelfia" Indonesian Bethel Church were destroyed and stolen, Pamanukan - West Java, February 13-14, 1998
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia (Gereja Pentakosta di Indonesia) was destroyed by the mass,  Pamanukan - West Java, February 13, 1998.
The "Kemah Daud" Christian Church was destroyed by the mass,  Pamanukan - West Java, February 13-14, 1998

The Pasundan Christian Church, Sukamandi - West Java, was burnt down on the February 13, 1998

The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Sukamandi - West Java, was burnt down by the mass at 12.00 AM on the Februaru 13, 1998
The "Filadelfia" Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Jamblang - West Java was destroyed (the church's glasses) by the mass on the February 16, 1998

The Indonesian Christian Church, Jamblang - West Java was stoned and destroyed by the mass on the February 16, 1998

The Stasi "Paska Kristus" of the Catholic Church, West Losari - Central Java was destroyed by the mass on the February 16, 1998

The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Patrol - West Java was destroyed by the mass on the February 17, 1998
The pastor's house of Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, West Losari - Central Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 16, 1998
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Losari - Central Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 15, 1998

The "Bintang Laut" Catholic Church , Eretan - West Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 17, 1998
The Seventh Day Adventist Church, Eretan - West Java, was destroyed by the mass on the February 17, 1998
The worship room of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Eretan - West Java. All church valuable things were taken out and burnt, February 17, 1998
The Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Pusaka Negara - West Java, was stoned by the mass on the February 17, 1998
Here are some stones that have been collected from the Pentecostal Church in Indonesia, Pusaka Negara - West Java, February 17, 1998

Design by Fica-Net.
Last updated March 20, 1998
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