February 16, 1998 Updates
7: 30 A.M West Indonesia Time

West Java Province of Indonesia

Location: 75 kilometers North East of Bandung
Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia Kadipaten (Kadipaten Indonesian Pentecostal Church)
was attacked by the mob. Stones were thrown, but because of the strong brick fence
and there is almost no window on the building, the damage is minimal. It is reported
that Rev. Yessi Pande Irot was also attacked by the mob.

Location: 110 Km North East of Bandung, towards Cirebon
Additional report said that Gereja Kristen Indonesia Jamblang (Jamblang
Indonesian Christian Church) was also stoned by the mob. The mob got inside
and vandalized the church. Filadelfia Indonesian Pantecostal Church was also
stoned, its windows were broken. Jamblang Isa Almasih (Christ the Messiah;
translated from Arabic) Church was protected by a strong wall, the mob was
not able to penetrate the church.

Location: 90 Km from Bandung, Eastward of Kadipaten
Until 12:00 P.M. Western Indonesia Time, the riot had not stopped. Majalengka
is quiet remote, and all communication lines are broken.

The mob tried to burn Gereja Penyebaran Injil which were vandalized
a few days ago, but the fire was extinguished by the locals.

Soreang and Ciwidey, Bandung
The urban transportation drivers were on strike yesterday. A lot of
frustrated mob gathered together. The police promptly took action
to avoid accidents.

This morning, it is evident that the number of public transportation
which are operational is far less than usual.

Prayer Request:
Please pray for the city of Bandung, there is a rumour that there is going
to be a riot on Monday and Tuesday, Feb 16-17, 1998.
Please pray for the ministers of the vandalized churches so that they remain
strong in the Lord, and can lead their congregations to put their hope in the
Lord also.
Please pray for FKKJB's investigation team. Please pray for God's strength
and wisdom for those who are in the field right now to gather information.
Pray also for their financial, transportation, and communication needs. The
telephone lines are often off or blocked.
Please pray for FKKJB's staff, so that they can effectively minister
to those who were hurt by the persecutions.